Linux C++ Socket in Action

This article primarily introduces the basics of Linux C++ Socket network programming. Most of the knowledge is sourced from the website: ...

April 30, 2022 · JohnathanLin

Traditional Software Server vs. Game Server Architecture Differences

Project Intelligent Customer Service Web Crawler SLG Game Language Java Python Kotlin Model Asynchronous Event Driven There may not be a discernible model Actor Model Transmission Protocol HTTP HTTP TCP + Netty Transmission Structure JSON JSON Protobuf Database Oracle, Redis MongoDB MySQL, Redis Database Framework MyBatis Python Library (similar to JDBC) Hibernate Cache Architecture Redis for Admin Login Status Possibly only caching page numbers All game data is cached, periodically written to the database Configuration Information Only config.ini Zookeeper, pre-loading design table information into ZK Concurrency No concurrency (so no need for locks) Python multi-threading for simultaneous web crawling No concurrency, Actor model ensures only one task at a time Hot Reload Directly restart N/A Inherit a method from a certain class, replace the online class ...

April 16, 2022 · JohnathanLin