Age 35 Is Not the End for Software Developers

Recently, I stumbled upon a video on Bilibili where a 38-year-old software developer shared his frustrations about being unable to find a job. Video Link。Watching it brought back memories, as I too experienced over four months of unemployment in 2023. The self-doubt during that period was deeply impactful. However, this article isn’t about reminiscing over tough times but rather to explore whether 35 is truly the end of the road for software developers. Is it really inevitable that programmers must “retire” at 35, unable to find work or forced to change careers? ...

June 23, 2024 · JohnathanLin

Reflections on Two Months of Working on a Passion-Driven Project

Recently, I participated in an independent game project powered by passion, where a group of online friends came together to remake a single-player game set in the Three Kingdoms period. “Powered by passion” here means working without pay, driven solely by the desire to pursue a dream. From February 4, 2024, when I first learned about the group, to February 7, when I joined, and up until April 4, when I left, I spent a total of two months on this project. I don’t want to dwell too much on the issues I encountered in this development team, as they were quite specific to the group and not necessarily applicable to other situations. Instead, I want to share some insights and advice for individual developers who might be considering joining a passion-driven project. ...

April 14, 2024 · JohnathanLin

Discussing the feasibility of software requirements through Wei Yan's "Ziwu Valley Strategy."

The following content is excerpted from the internet.:《魏略》蜀军大将魏延认为,长安守将夏侯楙年少,娇生惯养、怯而无谋。今日假若我魏延领精兵五千,背负粮草五千,直由山道深入,寻秦岭而向东,到达子午再往北行。不过十日就能抵达长安。夏侯楙见我军突然出现,必然乘船而逃。如此一来,长安城内只剩下御史、京兆太守而已。长安北门有散民之谷,足以供应我军粮食。而由东方相会合,需要二十日,届时丞相您在由斜谷赶来,必定可以在此与我会师,这么一来,可以一举平定咸阳以西。 ...

March 10, 2024 · JohnathanLin

Various Locking Mechanisms in Java Concurrency Programming

Introduction: This article aims to introduce the relevant usage of synchronized, ReentrantLock, and Condition in Java. ...

December 4, 2023 · JohnathanLin

How To Split A String In C++?

Preface During a coding interview, I encountered a question that involved two lines of input. Each line contained an unknown number of numbers separated by spaces. The input format was as follows: 12 34 567 888 99 100 358 74 58454 742 4469 88 They did not provide the number of digits in each line in advance. Instead, they required the user to split them themselves. During the coding exam, I didn’t implement this functionality using C++, but instead used the split() method available in Java to handle it. Later, after the exam was over, I searched online for ways to split strings in C++, and I found that C++ does not have a built-in method similar to split(character) like in Java. So, what methods can be used as alternatives? ...

July 2, 2023 · JohnathanLin