Various Locking Mechanisms in Java Concurrency Programming

Introduction: This article aims to introduce the relevant usage of synchronized, ReentrantLock, and Condition in Java. ...

December 4, 2023 · JohnathanLin

How To Split A String In C++?

Preface During a coding interview, I encountered a question that involved two lines of input. Each line contained an unknown number of numbers separated by spaces. The input format was as follows: 12 34 567 888 99 100 358 74 58454 742 4469 88 They did not provide the number of digits in each line in advance. Instead, they required the user to split them themselves. During the coding exam, I didn’t implement this functionality using C++, but instead used the split() method available in Java to handle it. Later, after the exam was over, I searched online for ways to split strings in C++, and I found that C++ does not have a built-in method similar to split(character) like in Java. So, what methods can be used as alternatives? ...

July 2, 2023 · JohnathanLin

Windows XP Virtual Machine Chinese Version Without Activation Image Download

Click here to download my virtual machine image Download virtual machine image: Link: Fetch Code:374l My VirtualBox version is 6.1 ...

October 2, 2022 · JohnathanLin

Some Usage and features on Java TreeSet

Just Some Usage and features on Java TreeSet. :-) ...

June 18, 2022 · JohnathanLin

Linux C++ Socket in Action

This article primarily introduces the basics of Linux C++ Socket network programming. Most of the knowledge is sourced from the website: ...

April 30, 2022 · JohnathanLin